WE had a well attended membership and one visitor was welcomed by Viv Jackman, the president.

Viv commented upon the success of the recent visit to the Assay Office in Birmingham. She also confirmed the arrangements for the annual dinner at Spires restaurant in January and was also pleased to say that the programme for 2009/10 was now completed. It promised to be varied and of great interest.

The minutes were taken as read and the correspondence was presented by Beryl Lord.

The speaker for the evening, Shirley Cadman, was introduced and with preparations well under way delighted all with an excellent demonstration of Christmas cooking.

Her easy manner and accomplished ability provided a fun-filled evening producing, with what seemed minimal effort, a well thought out Christmas menu.

These delights were not for the serious dieter, but stuffed poultry, glazed vegetables, chocolate Christmas wreath and tiramisu made the tasting session to follow temptations on a plate.

The chocolate wreath was entered into the raffle, which was won by Dorcas Howe.

Women who wish to join the WI are welcome to come along on the third Wednesday of the month to St David’s hall at 7.30pm.