MAUREEN Matthews welcomed everyone to our November meeting.

We have received an invitation from Oak Apple WI to their Christmas meeting. The group carol service is on December 12 at 2pm when all are welcome, including friends and family.

Members have now received their WI Life which includes the forms for voting on the choice of which resolution will go forward for debate in 2010. Please bring the voting slips to our next meeting.

Jean said one skittle match had been arranged for January but hoped to have a full list next month. Mary James had been in touch with reference to the shoeboxes we are filling for the St Barnabas appeal. We hope to fill seven boxes. Maureen then introduced Wendy Hill, whose subject was Sir Edward Elgar.

She was an excellent speaker and we all enjoyed her talk and choice of music which she used to illustrate her account of Elgar’s life. Jean gave a vote of thanks.

Refreshments followed, during which members were able to talk to Wendy and look at the memorabilia she had laid out.

The competition table was full of cuddly toys. Wendy picked out Ruth Shearer’s as the winner.

Visitors and new members are welcome to come to any meeting at St Mark’s church hall.