A POTENTIAL Teen Queen from Worcestershire needs your votes to make it through to the finals in London.

Lucy Haddigan, aged 17, from Wadborough, Drakes Broughton, near Pershore, has made it through to the final 50 girls in the Decem-ber heat of the competition.

Each month two girls out of 50 go through ready to compete in the final in September 2010.

Lucy, a student at Worcester Sixth Form College, is currently in second place in her heat, but needs as many votes as possible to make sure she gets through.

Like most teenage girls, Lucy admits she never would have entered the competition if it hadn’t been for her family and friends who encouraged her to enter and have been a massive support.

She said: “I’m not very confident, but my mum and gran pushed me along so I entered. I had nothing to lose, so I was shocked when I found out I’d got through to the heats.

“It’s so nice, I’ve never done anything like this before.

“The girl ahead of me has quite a lot more votes, so my friends set up a Facebook group and we’ve already got 150 members.”

To enter the competition, girls had to register and send in a photograph of themselves which was judged.

If successful, the girls are invited to London.

If she gets through to the finals, Lucy will take part in a bikini walk and an evening wear demonstration.

The glamorous prizes include becoming the face of cosmetics brand Vercia and an all expenses paid trip to represent the UK in the international competition.

To vote for Lucy visit, missteenqueenuk.co.uk and go to the Teen Queen Heat 2010 link.

Voting closes at 11.30pm on Tuesday, December 15.