WORCESTERSHIRE Wildlife Trust has sent a direct message to Prime Minister Gordon Brown urging him to deliver a positive and far-reaching agreement at the UN Copenhagen Climate Change Summit this week.

The message, in the form of a large postcard signed by all 47 wildlife trusts, will be delivered by a representative of the leading conservation organisation.

Linda Butler, chairman of Worcestershire Wildlife Trust, said: “We are putting far too much pressure on our planet which is already having devastating impacts on both people and the natural world that we depend on.

“We know this is a global problem, but the UK Government is in a position to take a lead on this, and to show other nations what can be achieved. Decisive, deliberate, and dynamic action needs to be taken on this, before it’s too late for wildlife and for people.”

The postcard message to the Prime Minister reads: “Please secure a positive and far-reaching climate change agreement in Copenhagen – we, and our wildlife, depend upon it. Our 47 Wildlife Trusts around the UK have a combined membership of nearly 800,000. We all care deeply about the future of our natural environment, on land and at sea, especially in a changing climate.

“The impact of climate change on people and the natural environment – upon which we all depend – is predicted to be dramatic. We need to take a positive step towards a legal agreement to reduce greenhouse gases by 40 per cent by 2020. The conference must recognise the role of natural ecosystems, such as forests and peatlands, in storing carbon. This is vital for us all.”

The Wildlife Trusts across the UK are raising awareness of the threat climate change poses to people and the natural environment, and working to help protect wildlife from the impacts of climate change.

Gary Mantle, director of Wiltshire Wildlife Trust, will travel to Copenhagen to deliver the postcard on behalf of the wildlife trusts.

He said: “For the sake of both wildlife and people, we need tough decisions to be taken at Copenhagen. In showing the strong leadership that will be needed, it is important that the UK Government knows that it has strong support from the public. We must not forget that any agreement at Copenhagen is just the start. It must be followed by action.”