A MAN suffered a deeply cut cheek after being attacked in a Worcester pub with a bottle or a glass, a jury was told.

Mahir Ali was on his way to the lavatories at the Metro Bar in St Nicholas Street when he claimed he was knocked down by a blow from behind before being slashed.

Mr Ali, an Iraqi Kurd, who has been in Britain since 2001, said he was unable to identify his attacker and ran off home after the incident.

Tim Sapwell, defending, alleged that Mr Ali fell onto a glass he was holding inside the club after Alexander Marsh reacted in self-defence during a row over a woman.

Marsh, aged 31, of Rodborough Drive, Worcester, denies unlawful wounding following the incident on Tuesday, January 6.

The jury saw footage of Marsh breaking free after he was pinned to the ground. He then hit out at Mr Ali during a chase before escaping. Police arrested Marsh soon afterwards in Rain-bow Hill, Worcester.

Mr Ali told Worcester Crown Court that he gave a woman a coin to operate the jukebox and only had one pint of beer.

As he opened a door to the lavatories he was struck on the back of the head.

He said: “I fell to the floor and I saw a hand coming towards my face. He slashed my face but I don’t know who he was. I was bleeding very badly and could have been blinded.”

Mr Ali said he went outside in a confused state, then returned for his jacket and went home. He needed hospital treatment and still had a scar.

Mr Sapwell alleged that Mr Ali followed a woman into the bar after smoking outside and bit her arm when she didn't want to talk to him. He claimed the woman was Marsh’s girlfriend and he asked for an explanation before Mr Ali swung a glass at him.

Marsh struck him back and he fell onto the floor injuring himself when the glass shattered.

Mr Ali said he could not remember events outside the club but accepted he was the man on the CCTV confronting Marsh in the street.

The trial continues.