A STROKE victim is appealing for sponsorship so she can afford specialist equipment to help her walk unaided again.

Christine Hallas, of West Street, Evesham, has already tried the device which helped her to move her left arm and to walk again for the first time in 14 years, giving her back the independence she had lost.

Mrs Hallas, who suffers weakness down her left side since the stroke in July 1996, tried the device at a clinic at the Enable conference at the Ricoh Arena in Coventry last November but cannot afford to buy one because it costs around £9,000.

The device, called a Ness L300 foot drop system sits below is the knee. Costing £4,500, it is made by Bioness and works by simulating the message that should come from the brain, lifting up the foot to allow walking. A similarly-priced second device, the Ness H200 simulates movement in the arm.

The retired care officer struggles to walk even short distances with a walking stick or friends to support her body and sometimes uses a mobility scooter.

Mrs Hallas first tried the H200 which allowed her to move her hand and arm again.

Mrs Hallas, aged 62, said: “Very slowly I felt the tone of my fingers relaxing slightly – remember my hand has not worked in 14 years – then very slowly my hand started to open and relax. I was amazed – just the change in position of my fingers gave me such great relief.

“I then went for the appointment with the clinician to be assessed for the device for my foot. Once fitted, I felt a sensation like pins and needles in my leg but it was not bothersome.

“Somehow I was not the least bit nervous, more excited. She stood by my side and said ‘Off we go’. I felt the tingle in my heel and I just slowly started walking forward. It was very emotional for me. This was instantaneous and there was no tripping, no fear, no imbalance.

“Neither my partner nor myself are in a position to have the sort of money to afford this. I have struggled with my disability for 14 years and maintained my independence as much as I could but I really do believe I should be given another chance at a normal life.

“This really is miracle equipment.”

If you can sponsor Mrs Hallas, call her on 01386 443283 or send an e-mail to chrisshallas@hotmail.com