A DRESSAGE horse has come first in her debut dressage test after extensive treatment with a special massage system.

Angela Kemp, from Chipping Norton, has been impressed with the effects the equipment has had on Wiggins Magic, her eight-year-old mare.

The animal has suffered from chronic back and neck problems since she was a foal. Angela had tried a variety of treatments in a bid to ease the horse's uncomfortable condition.

Wiggins Magic had received ongoing treatment from chiropractors and an equine masseuse, which involved using the massage system, Equissage, on a regular basis. But following a year's osteopathy treatment and huge expense, Angela decided to continue treatment on her own after buying one of the systems herself.

The system provides horses with a deep cycloidal massage to help with circulation, lymphatic drainage and the easing and toning of muscles. The treatment also prevents stiffness and encourages suppleness, which in turn increases joint mobility to result in improved movement and performance.

Angela has been extremely impressed in the condition of Wiggins Magic.

She said: "I use the Equissage pad six times a week and the hand unit about three times. I also give her a hands-on massage which I learned. I am so pleased with the progress since using the system for about nine months now, and she has really come on leaps and bounds."

A new pad, made in hard-wearing material which is easy to position, has now been introduced. For information, call 0800 0721180.