PARISH COUNCIL: Fish and Anchor Bank: Repair work is due to begin on Monday, February 21.

Vandalism: The Police have informed the parish council that five youths have been issued with Anti-Social Behaviour Orders. Wooden seats have been damaged.

Street Lights: It was agreed to contact the appropriate housing association regarding the provision of a light in Manor Road Close.

School Lane: It was agreed to once again contact Worcestershire County Council regarding the condition of this stretch of road.

Play Area: The damaged swing has been removed. It was agreed not to include the area adjacent to the village hall in the deed to be signed, with the National Playing Fields Association, to ensure the area is protected for open space recreation

Bottle Bank: Wychavon have stated that a site for a bottle bank is required in the village. Although they are looking at the question of kerbside collection no decision has been made.

Tidy Village Competition: It was agreed not to enter.