I POLITELY refer to the letter from MP Sir Michael Spicer, with his interest over the growing danger and arrogance of cyclists to the public. His concern is well justified.

A very high percentage of varying age groups use the pavements around Evesham, up and down Bridge Street with no regard to the pedestrian at all.

I was advised some time ago by a highly respected officer that the pavement was the best place for them! Personally I was amazed at this point of view.

However I am just as much interested with the comments by Mr Main, chairman of Evesham Wheelers and Mr Goffen of the CTC. There was no suggestion that members of the Wheelers were a hazard. They would easily be picked out by the pedestrian with their very sophisticated machines and state of the art clothing.

As for maintenance I am not sure where that comes into the equation of being a hazard and nuisance to the rightful user of pavements.

Mr Goffen objecting to the points being made and that they are misleading is a joke! The cyclists referred to and their behaviour weaving through pedestrians is noticeable and are a hazard to the pedestrian.

The reason the youngsters do not have the skills, is simply due to the fact they have not been taught. The cyclists on the pavement and other off road areas are playing and are not there as a so called refuge from traffic. Watch some of them when they need to cross the road.

It is not for lack of knowledge or a bit of road sense, but with an arrogance as indicated by Sir Michael Spicer. The formal clubs as well as burning up the miles, could well think of re-introducing the cycle efficiency tuition.

JOSEPH FISHER, Princess Road, Evesham.