TSUNAMI: Like most other communities, people in Bredon have responded to the call for funds to support those whose lives have been turned upside down by this terrible tragedy. The Rev Matthew Baynes reported that £2,200 had been raised in two Sunday collections.

On March 10, a coffee morning will be held at Bredon Dene for Save the Children, and a special raffle is being organised to raise extra funds. Thanks to the generosity of local people, some excellent prizes are to be won, and tickets will soon be on sale.

PARISH COUNCIL: Strong measures have been taken to deal with a youth who thought it fun to drive around the playing field, cutting up its surface. A fine of £200, plus damages of £100 may be a deterrent to others. The parish council will not hesitate to take action through the courts in the future if the need arises. Very much the same applies to people who mindlessly dump rubbish at the recycling area. Anyone who witnesses abuse of this facility is asked to report it to a parish councillor. The safety of parishioners was much in mind when parish council announced a police initiative for a safe, sound, secure scheme. Any person over 60 years who would like advice on making their home secure could contact a parish councillor for a free of charge service.