ST JAMES' CHURCH: The next festive event will be Harvest Sunday on September 25 when, after the morning service, instead of the usual tea and biscuits, there will be examples of favourite food brought by members of the congregation and shared among all present - an idea put forward by the children. It is anticipated that there will be food to spare and this, if packaged, will be put with the fruit and vegetables which are always part of this service and delivered next day to a charitable organisation in Worcester. The traditional barn dance, tickets for which are now on sale, will be held the following Friday, September 30 in the village hall at 8pm. Tickets are £7.50 with concessions for older people and young adults, include a two-course supper. Enquiries to Sue Coley on 870204 or any member of the social committee.

VILLAGE HALL: Money raising events on behalf of the village hall appeal fund are on-going. The art group has planned a Tramps' Supper for Saturday, October 8, starting at 7.30pm. Supporters are asked to come along appropriately attired and take part in supper and entertainment, at £6 a head. Inquiries to Alan Davies on 870156 or Brian Egan on 870934.

The hall management committee, headed by John Redman, is also active with a concert planned for Thursday, September 22 in the village hall, this time featuring violinist Beverley Davison and her accompanist in a programme of music of all kinds, called Classical Cabaret. This is part of Worcestershire's new programme of live professional arts and is sponsored by Wychavon District Council. Tickets can be bought by ringing 01386 870255, £6 a head with £5 concession.