MEMBERS of Wolverley and Cookley Historical Society have published the group's 13th journal.

It covers topics including local geology, the Cookley and Wolverley Charters and Bury Hall as well as feedback and new information relating to past articles.

The society's first journal was published in 1990 and since then the publications have examined subjects including Victorian times, wartime and houses.

In addition, it has produced a collection of walks titled Recalling the Past, which includes maps and historical information.

It meets on the second and fourth Mondays in the month at Wolverley Church Hall at 10am and new members and guests are welcome. Walks also set off from the Church Hall car park on the alternate Mondays.

The society's library of local information can be accessed once a month for personal research.

Copies of Journal 13 are available from the post offices in Wolverley and Cookley and 01562 850915.