PARISH COUNCIL: The monthly meeting was held in King Georges Hall chaired by Cllr M Stowe.

The new licensees of The Butchers Arms, Chapel Lane, have agreed to have the re-cycling bin for plastic waste in their car park.

The damaged corner of the Plantation is still waiting repairs. Highways has said no to having a slanting bollard installed to prevent damage to this corner by traffic.

Public Time: It was reported that the recently finished Guide mural in the bus shelter had some minor damage. There were already attempted scribble on the ceiling with marker pens.

District councillor L Stowe gave his report on the budget. There was an overall increase in prices of three-and-a-half per cent so cuts would have to be made like closing information centres and introducing pay-as-you-go unisex toilets in Moreton, Bourton and Cirencester. Household collection of recyclable waste should be encouraged and soon to be introduced is a cardboard and food waste collection.

John Whittaker of the county council will be asked to join councillor on-site to resolve a traffic issue in Gloucester Lane.

Some councillors are keen to see a one-way scheme but this could cause faster traffic in Pound Lane unless speed humps were introduced but these were frowned upon. Access only was a better option - but traffic congestion could be moved elsewhere in the village. But it was thought by all councillors that the issue had to be resolved before the new primary school was in use and the proposed 24 houses also being built on the site. A more urgent request is to have a sign of a weight restriction being used, as a single decker bus/coaches have been using the lane.

The welcome pack for new villagers would continue to be distributed by the WI but the council will ask if surplus issues could be distributed to shops the doctor's surgery and King George's Hall.

A report was received from a recent police meeting. This government is thinking of joining the Gloucestershire force with Wiltshire and Berkshire. As it was said to be difficult to find a policeman now it was asked if all parishioners could write to Home Secretary Charles Clarke and request that Gloucestershire police should remain as a single force.

Cllr J Medlyn will represent councillors to object to a proposed dispensing surgery being planned in the village between the butchers shop and The Butts. This would affect the local GPs dispensing of medicines which all villagers had used for many many years, and it was felt unnecessary.

The carol service will be held on December 23 on the Plantation at 7pm with a collection for the Air Ambulance.

There will be an increase in the clerk's salary and odd-jobs man's pay. Charges for burials and cremations will be increased by £10.

The next meeting is on Wednesday, January 25 at 7.30pm.

MICKLETON SOCIETY: The Mickleton Society held its Christmas supper in King George's Hall, on Friday. Ninety people (a record) sat down to a meal of roast turkey with all the trimmings, prepared and served by Marguerite Bell and her team. There was a raffle in aid of The Shakespeare Hospice with the prizes provided by committee members. A donation of £200 will now be made to the hospice.

Thanks were given to Sandra Barlow and her helpers.