MALVERN Samba Band is looking for new members for this year's May Day parade.

The band is a familiar presence in the town, with its distinctive orange costumes and Brazilian carnival sound.

It is holding an open session on Sunday, January 15, for anyone interested in taking part.

"You need no musical experience, just a desire to make a joyful percussive noise while wearing very silly clothing in public, and a willingness to concentrate, for a couple of hours a week, on learning to play ensemble," said musical director Sam Ware.

"Never mind what you believe about your musical abilities, we know that if you can pay attention, we can teach you rhythm."

The band is also looking for fresh musical collaborators, said Sam.

"We are looking for collaborators to take the sound in new directions and bring fresh challenges for our experienced members.

"Brass is one addition we think would fit well with the present funky sound, and we are also looking for squeeezebox players.

"We are also open to any other ideas people may have for using a rhythm section, for rap, for dancers, whatever."

The open day is at Trinity Hall, Link Top, from noon to 3pm. For more details, call Sam on 01684 540909.