THREE of the biggest names in salsa dancing will be coming to Malvern this month to launch a new salsa night on Saturday's at Club Nine.

The Salsa Sizzler is the brainchild of local salsa teachers Anthony Nairne and Angie Williams.

Under the name Just Latin Salsa, Anthony and Angie teach dance at venues in Worcester, Gloucester and Cheltenham and have been looking for a suitable weekend nightclub venue.

Anthony said he hoped Malvern would be a success because it was "untapped territory" for a dance style that is becoming huge in the UK.

Salsa as a name only came into general use in the 1970s as a term for a whole range of Latino music and the dance styles that went with it, much of which originated in Cuba

It's the characteristic sexy hip action which makes the style so distinctive and this is generated by footwork which is fairly simple to learn.

Anthony has only been dancing four years, since he went to a salsa night with his brother, and was immediately taken with the range of people who dance and the friendly social scene.

Angie had once dislocated her knee and didn't even think she could dance until she was dragged on to the dance floor while on holiday in Cuba.

The pair could not have chosen three bigger names to launch their new salsa night.

Leon Rose, who will teach a class on the first night tomoorow (Saturday) at the Spring Lane venue, is an award-winning dancer and one of the freshest innovators in international salsa.

Mauricio Reyes, who will teach on Saturday, January 14, is the founder of Birmingham-based Latin Motion and one of the top salsa DJs in the country.

On January 21 it is Robert Charlemagne, one of salsa's biggest stars. He is a big man, but dances like a dream and is one of the best-known teachers in the world.

The new salsa nights will be held between 9pm and 2am every Saturday during January.

They begin with a lesson, followed by social dancing. The club also has other rooms devoted to R & B and chart classics.