Would you dare to bare? Summer is here; its time to give ourselves a top to toe overhaul and get to work on cellulite and bumps and bulges.

A pain free option is here with a fantastic new range of doctor only treatments at Tinkable; the very latest procedures in stubborn fat reduction 'Lipodissolve'.

Can help you to resculpt your figure without the pain of cosmetic surgery.

Call for more information on the medifab procedures.

Tinkable provides the best aesthetic treatments and the very latest technological procedures for skin rejuvenation and resurfacing.

With the hugely successful and popular crystal clear Micro- Dermabrasion you can achieve fresher younger looking, more refined skin after just one session.

This is a superb early summer treatment to deeply exfoliate and prepared your skin for the warmer climate.

Again now is the time to consider hair removal as we begin to show off our legs and arms in lighter summerwear, the laser hair removal system is a must.

For every problem with skin and fat prone areas Tinkable has an effective and positive solution; if you have thread veins or scarring, pigmentation or acne there are clinical procedures to solve the problem.

If you wish to have plumper lips or to fill out deep frown lines, botox and restylane vital can give you the results you desire.

At Tinkable you can be assured the practioners are all highly qualified and experts in their fields.