ADVICE on losing weight bombards us from every direction - on TV, in magazines and newspapers, on billboards and even the internet - but how can we find a sensible route to weight loss and general fitness?

There's so much information and controversy about diets we can feel like giving up before we've started, but don't despair, here is a simple guide to losing weight, compiled by Sarah Leonie, fitness manager at Wyre Forest Glades Leisure Centre in Kidderminster.

Throw out the scales!

Yes, really - it means nothing. Weight comprises of muscle, bone, internal organs, water and fat, of which we really only want to lose fat. The best way to gauge weight (fat) loss is to measure yourself. You should measure around the smallest part of your waist and the widest part of your hips.

Record these measurements and repeat in a month's time - see the changes! Have fun, and get someone else to help measure you. Remember to get the same person to re-measure for accurate results.


Do you lack the time and motivation to exercise? This is not really the problem it seems. To achieve your goals you only need to do 20-30 minutes of exercise three to five times a week.

That's only about an hour of exercise out of 168 hours a week - not long when you consider the huge benefits of regular exercise.

Eat more!

You'll lose more weight by eating more food, more often! Dramatically cutting back on food intake can seriously damage our bodies, and eating less will make our bodies store more fat. Ideally we should eat five times a day. Vegetables and salad should make up most of your plate. They are essential as they provide important nutrients, fill you up for longer, and have limited calories. Carbohydrate is not bad!

Many people think cutting out carbs is the way to lose fat. In fact our bodies need carbohydrates to burn body fat. However, there's a limit to how much we should eat. An amount the size of your fist is an adequate amount for each meal. Carbohydrate is found in starchy foods like potatoes, bread, rice and pasta.

Don't over-eat protein

Our bodies can't store large quantities of protein, so any unused protein is excreted. Getting rid of excess protein can be damaging to the kidneys.

A portion of protein in a meal should be about the size of your palm (not counting your fingers) and includes such foods as meat, fish, eggs and lentils.

Don't shop on an empty stomach

When you're hungry your body will crave something sweet, and it's easy for chocolate bars, crisps, and other 'bad' foods to find their way into the trolley. Before going shopping have a sensible meal and plan what you are going to buy in advance. This will make your shopping trip easier and help you avoid high calorie and fatty foods.

Wyre Forest Glades Leisure Centre and Stourport Sports Centre are the places to go to lose weight and gain fitness. The centres create individual programmes and provide advice and support. Contact the Glades on 01562 515151 or Stourport Sports Centre on 01299 822308.