AFTER reading the comic books as a kid this film was a real treat for me.

The tale of four people, Dr Reed Richards, his best pal Ben Grimm, his ex-girlfriend Sue Storm and her younger brother Johnny, jetting off to outer space on a mission to benefit humanity only to be cruelly subjected to deadly mysterious cosmic rays.

On their return back to earth they discover to their horror (and delight in Johnny's case!) that they each have unique super powers.

Reed can stretch his body like rubber, Ben has permanately transformed into a rock-skinned monster with super strength, Sue has the ability to turn invisible and Johnny can morph into a human fireball!

So are born Mr Fantastic, The Thing, Invisible Girl and The Human Torch -The Fantastic Four.

I know you are thinking, oh no, not another super hero movie but this one is different. Normally their identities are secret but this bunch don't wear masks and they actually become household celebrities.

Half of the film shows the awesome foursome experimenting with their new-found powers and the rest is them battling it out with their deadly enemy and fellow astronaut on their failed space flight-billionaire, Dr Victor Von Doom. The cosmic rays hadn't been kind to him either turning him into a metallic, electical current controlling madman.

All in all fantastic, boom-bastic fun four all lads and dads everywhere.