YOU'VE unpacked your cases, finished that last bottle of sangria and all that seems to be ahead is cooler weather, darker days and longer nights - enough to leave anybody down in the dumps. Autumn and winter are on their way and it seems Christmas is the only thing to bring any sparkle between now and the return of the sun in spring. But it need not be like that. There are ways to continue that summer zing and ensure the sun is shining every day - whatever the weather outside!

Not everybody is affected by SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder) a form of winter depression caused by a biochemical imbalance due to shorter days and less sunlight.

But we do seem to crave sweet sugary and starchy foods, perhaps because we're comfort eating to feel good in the colder weather. But you can always choose tasty soups and lots of fruits and vegetables. Citrus fruit, in particular are a great source of vitamin C in the bid to ward off colds - as is garlic which is said to have anti-viral and anti-bacterial actions to keep the coughs and sniffles at bay.

As the sun disappears, so, inevitably does that special glow, with dry chapped skin proving a real risk in the months of heating, wind and indoor-to-outdoor temperature change ahead. But there are ways to avoid it. The real key is water and lots of it - so, yes, it's the required eight glasses daily.

If your skin starts to feel taut after cleansing you may need to change it for winter conditions. If it's a nearly full bottle, put it away until the next season. The same goes with moisturiser and your exfoliation product.

A dull grey day? In your mind picture a sunny scene, feel the warmth of the day and breath deeply and let those good thoughts spread through your body.

Just speaking to yourself about yourself positively is a remarkable mood lifter. Try it on a daily basis! Tell yourself how wonderful you are!

Nothing is better to cheer the spirits than a bit of colour. Paint a room in a bright hue or up the home's flower content - they don't have to be fresh.

There's plenty of dried and artificial flowers on the market.

Wear bright colours! At this time of year dark, earthy shades abound.

Heavy items can actually make you feel weighed down so wear layers for warmth.

Keep that hols spirit going

THERE are plenty of other things you can do to keep that holiday spirit going.

See a film, have a meal out or a drink in a pub. Seeing friends is a good time to catch up on the gossip and show off those holiday snaps and if you're out socialising it's a useful reminder that being at home isn't always dull and boring.

Why not start planning your next holiday? It's something to look forward to -- other than Christmas!

Make the most of the season, the Herefordshire countryside is actually quite beautiful all year round. Wrap up and go for a brisk invigorating walk to see and enjoy what's out there. Learn something new to while away those dark winter nights.

Why not try learning a skill which could help you towards achieving your life dreams or career goals?

You may even meet and make new friends and, try a new sport and your fitness could improve.