FORTY-five members of Staunton and District Over 60s Club enjoyed a meal at Hazelfields, Newent in the carvery.

The thanksgiving service on June 6 of the club was attended by 35 children from Staunton and Corse CESchool, together with their head Rosie Miller.

The charity sale was not so well attended as was hoped but the profit made will be shared between the Over 60s, Disabled Club and Housebound. The committee wishes to thank the local businesses and members for the raffle prizes they donated. The club's next outing will be to Kidderminster on June 20.

Staunton Church get-together coffee morning held in the lounge at Johnstone Close makes a pleasant break for coffee and a chat and there is always a lot of activity, with bringing and buying. June specials were home-made puddings, cakes and tarts and plants. The proceeds are very much appreciated by the PCC and treasurer and will be for a project yet to be decided.