A VERY successful fete held at Pendock School resulted in the magnificent sum of over £1,500 being raised during the afternoon's events. This amount surpassed last year's total by £200. A big thank you to everyone for their support and generosity.

Winners of the plate decorating competition were Katie Lee, Josh Hunt and Grace Neil. Pin the panties was won by Philippa Williams.

A note of thanks to Gill Deakin, who has taken on the role of accompanist for the junior choir at Pendock Church (rehearsals Tuesday evening 7pm). This is on top of a busy hectic day as headteacher of Pendock School. Thank you also to Roger, who keeps everyone on their toes and sings as well. Come on, aren't there any more willing to have an enjoyable sing?

Pendock School are having an open day on Thursday, June 23 from 8.30am to 3.15pm. Pop in throughout the day or phone (01531) 650298 for a timetable of activities.