A Send a Cow coffee morning will be held tomorrow (Saturday) at Trillevallen, Colwall Green from 10.30am-12.30pm. Proceeds towards training African subsistence farmers in animal care and sustainable organic farming.

Christians Together in Colwall are holding an open meeting, Values in Government, on Sunday at 6.30pm at the village hall. The Rev. Dr Clifford Hill, who is on a national tour, is a member of an advisory group set up by the previous Government to examine issues concerning the family. Churchgoers and non-churchgoers alike are invited.

Age Concern will be in the mobile library on Tuesday. This will be at the Wyche Cutting from 1.40-2pm and at Evendine Lane from 2.10-2.35pm. This service is for those who would like to know about Pension Credit, attendance allowance or discounts available on Council Tax. If you cannot make it and would like a chat in confidence, call Catriona Robertson on 01531 631280 for an appointment.

Don't forget, frog racing at the village hall on Saturday, June 25. For reservations telephone 540601 - £4 adults (£1 under 16). Proceeds to the Conservative Party.

Gardens open for charity under the National Gardens Scheme on Sunday, June 26 from 2-5pm. Caves Folly and Longacre, Evendine Lane. Two gardens £3, children free.

The next meeting of the Young Colwall Players will be held tomorrow (Saturday) from 10am until noon at Colwall Village Hall.