D E Margrett seems to think that I don't take the threat of international terrorism or domestic crime seriously (Letters, Monday, April 25) simply because I don't wish to live in a police state.

I am aware of the attack on the twin towers. I am also aware of the thousands who have died at the hands of groups and individuals including Basque separatists, the IRA, al Qaida, the PKK, the Tamil Tigers, Hamas, the PLO and US bomber Timothy McVeigh, to name but a few.

Terrorism has been with us for years and will continue to be while social injustice and misguided fundamentalism continue to exist.

Of course it's harder to fight terrorism or crime if you actually have to prove the guilt of those involved, but then it would be easier to deal with teenage yobs if we shot them rather than wasting time with ASBOs.

However, we live in a civilised society where justice must be done and seen to be done. I will restate my previous point - if you want to live in "safety" then emigrate to one of the many police state dictatorships to be found around the world.


