I AGREE entirely that our first-past-the-post electoral system, which is similar to that in the USA, is rotten.

We should adopt proportional representation similar to those they have in France and Germany and other well administered EU states.

More than 60 per cent of the electorate in UK supports parties that favour Europe. Furthermore, the finest minds in the Tory party - Messrs Heath, Clarke and Heseltine favour the EU. Alas, they have been suppressed by fanatical Europhobes.

We must move closer to our European neighbours. UKIP is a joke. They are represented in a place they say should not exist - the European Parliament.

In order to enhance their cause, UKIP invited "celebrities" to join their ranks. One such was Robert Kilroy-Silk. Mr Kilroy-Silk joined and embraced UKIP with enthusiasm. Alas, he demanded a price - the leadership!

This demand was angrily and indignantly turned down by the old Guard. Kilroy responded by "getting the hump" and left to form his own party.

