IF D E Margrett finds the replies to his frequent unsubstantiated views extolling the virtues of the EU "tiresome", he should except that other correspondents, with different views to his own biased thoughts, could just, occasionally, be right.

After all, they do, generally, base their letters on facts and not on suppositions.

For example, what evidence does he have that "the EU is a great force for peace and stability" and has "facilitated co-operation on health matters, policing" and so on.

It's very difficult to prove or disprove this theory. However, it is a fact that the EU a bureaucratic, undemocratic and corrupt organisation that appears to be totally unaccountable to anybody.

Even their own auditors have consistently refused to sign off the accounts for several years.

He then goes on to state that "Germany is a much larger net contributor to the EU than Britain".

Really? He must know more than Gordon Brown who, only recently, stated that Britain was now the biggest net contributor.

Furthermore, according to data published by the European Commission, Britain receives less in subsidies from Brussels, in proportion to GDP, than any other country in the European Union. He's wrong again when he states that Germany is not that much larger than the UK.

In fact, Germany's population is nearly 40 per cent greater at 82 million and has a landmass of 357,000,000 kilometres, which is 45 per cent bigger.

So please, can we have less subjectivity and more objectivity with regard to this debate.

N WINTER, Worcester.