A golf course is 'virtually unplayable' this weekend after vandals struck for the second time this year.

They dug divots out of the lovingly manicured surfaces on the third, sixth and eighth at Tolladine Golf Club, in Worcester.

Head greenkeeper Rob Shaw said he was appalled by the damage, which has undone all his hard work to make the surface perfect

for players.

"This is horrendous

damage - really, really bad," he said.

"It's killing me doing this. I'm working nearly by myself, and I have put my heart and soul into this place and I'm being kicked in the teeth."

It is the second round of major attacks on the greens this year.

In February, clods of turf were gouged up - with shoe heels, and four flags were also stolen.

Though inexpensive to repair, the damage could put off full fee paying members who think the greens are continually attacked, he said.

There is a right of way across the course, used regularly by people exercising their dogs, and walkers travelling between Tolladine and Newtown Road.

"It could be anyone. It would be really helpful if people using the path could keep an eye out," he added.

"We need this club to succeed - it's a part of Worcester's heritage," he added.

If bored youths were responsible, the club had members' backing to provide lessons and rounds of golf to curb the vandalism, he added.

Police confirmed they had received a report of vandalism, and urged anyone with information about the incident to report it to Worcester Police on 08457 444 888, quoting 86S/050505.

A member of Tolladine Golf Club - thought to be the oldest club in Worcester - has put up a reward of £200 if they can give information to the police leading to a conviction, added Mr Shaw.