SECOND World War veterans will this weekend march through the streets of Worcester to the Cathedral to mark the 60th anniversary of Victory in Europe.

On Sunday, members of the Royal British Legion will retread the route to the cenotaph they have followed on many parades during the past six decades, starting at the Cornmarket car park at 11am.

The 60 veterans will then pass through Mealcheapen Street, up St Swithun's Street, along the High Street and on to the Cathedral to commemorate the end of the war.

Once at the cenotaph, they will join the Mayor of Worcester, Coun Allah Ditta, for a service of remembrance at 11.45am.

The heroes will then 'take the salute' of the Mayor at The Guildhall, before retracing their steps back to Queen Street at around 12.45pm.

"I know it's a party day for many people, but for me it's a day to remember the chaps we left behind," said John Hewlett, president of the Worcester branch of the RBL.

"Our padre, the Rev Duncan Ballard, is going to say a few words of prayer for those who didn't return."

Wreaths will be laid at the cenotaph and a lone bugler - David Lee, a Pershore High School pupil - will play The Last Post.

The veterans will return to the RBL club, in Lowesmoor, after the service for a 'party', with bunting, refreshments, songs and the chance to share memories from the conflict.

Anyone who was involved in the Second World War, whether members of the RBL or not, are invited to attend.

The RBL has plenty of bunting for the day and anyone wishing to offer a small donation can contact Mr Hewlett, on 01905 422292, and take some for their homes and gardens.


WHAT is described as the biggest county event to mark the 60th anniversary of Victory in Europe Day will take place in Droitwich this weekend.

After tireless planning, the Spa town will today be invaded by tanks, war re-enactors, stalls, music and an array of entertainers as it celebrates VE Day like never before to commemorate those who fought in World War II.

Droitwich town councillor Graham Gopsill, who also runs the Barbers Clock, in Droitwich Road, Barbourne, Worcester, has helped organise the event with the aid of the World War II Historical Society.

"We are so excited as this event is going to bigger and better than we could have ever imagined," he said.

"There are things going on all weekend and I would encourage everyone to turn up and have a good time - and even dress in 1940's dress if they can."

Spectators are set to enjoy a breathtaking Spitfire flyover today and DC3 flyover both today and tomorrow. Victoria Square, St Andrews Street and the High street will be closed to ordinary traffic and filled with 1940's military vehicles and classic cars.

The Royal British Legion will parade to the town's war memorial for a service and Droitwich library will show wartime films.

n THE streets of Pershore will be alive this weekend with the sound of the VE day parade.

An honour guard and parade party from HMS Forward, the West Midlands centre of the Royal Navy Reserves, will take part in Sunday's event.

First Lieutenant Rob Noble, who will lead the parade said: "We're honoured to have been asked because, despite being so far from the coast, many Navy full-timers and reservists come from Worcestershire so we're glad to show them our respect on this important occasion."

The parade will set off at 2pm from the Civic Centre in Queen Elizabeth Drive and march to the High Street and the Town Hall.

A remembrance service at Pershore Abbey will follow at 3pm.