SUNDAY, May 1 proved a very enjoyable day for the village. A well attended rogation service in the grounds of Bosbury House, followed in the afternoon by a fundraising bluebell walk in the Bosbury House woods.

The clear sunny afternoon afforded excellent views of the Malvern Hills and surrounding countryside, as well as the bluebells. First-time visitors to the village were delighted with their walk and afternoon tea in the glorious surroundings. Nearly £500 was raised and the committee would like to thank all those involved, especially Nat and Laura Hone for their warm welcome to their garden and woodland.

On Friday, May 6 line-dancing at 7.30pm in the parish hall and the Music for All village concert at Holy Trinity Church at 7.30pm. Tickets are available on the door, adults £6, children under 16 £3, family £15, to include a glass of wine or non-alcoholic drink and nibbles. Come and enjoy an evening of entertainment for the village and friends, by the village and friends. The concert is in aid of church funds.

Bosbury WI meet on Thursday, May 12 at 7.30pm in the parish hall - resolutions plus a talk on St Michael's Hospice. You are also invited to the WI's annual plant sale at the parish hall on Saturday, May 14 from 2pm-5pm, other stalls plus cream teas available. They look forward to your support.

At Holy Trinity Bosbury on Sunday, parish communion is at 9.30am.

Tickets are now on sale for the flower festival's Friday night Ration Book supper and concert. On the menu Woolton Pie, sausage casserole, jam roly-poly and spotted dick. Tickets are adults £3, family tickets £15. Tickets on sale at the village shop and the Bell Inn or ring (01531) 640076. The venue is the parish hall on Friday, May 20 at 7.30pm. Tickets include supper, entertainment by the Greenwood Voices and a sing-along.