PLEASE people, get real, look at the bigger picture. The last four words of Denette France's letter (Advertiser, April 6) say it all - "Start suing the council."

People today don't need much encouragement to do just that.

Does she realise how many people are suing councils everywhere for damages because they have tripped over broken slabs or slipped on wet leaves? Tree roots do cause a lot of problems to drains and foundations.

It is sad to see our town centre trees taken down but the council is on our side and they are protecting our interests.

How many of us want to see our money being wasted in the courts?

And what is the point of paying for CCTV to give us a safer town if trouble cannot be seen for the trees?

It sounds like practical common sense to me and there is certainly no shortage of trees in Redditch.

There is a time to plant and a time to take down for one reason or another. It has been going on forever.

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