WHILST many forward looking towns are taking away their traffic lights, and finding traffic going through the town moves constantly in an orderly fashion with less congestion, Droitwich on the other hand decided to put more traffic lights in the town not only causing more congestion but pollution too.

On April 7 I was entering Droitwich from the Chateau Impney traffic lights, realising I was low on fuel I decided to follow the traffic through to the petrol station on the Worcester Road. What a foolish plan that turned out to be.

Some 20 metres from the Chateau lights the traffic was at a standstill. Moving very slowly I finally reached the next set of lights, you may know the ones I mean - it has an extension on the top so that aeroplanes can taxi into that monstrous aircraft hangar they are building in Saltway.

After negotiating the next set of lights at the Lido Park I finally reached yet another set of lights before reaching the desperately needed petrol station. It had taken me almost 20 minutes from the time I joined the queue.

Thank goodness I did not have to go past the next set of lights on the way to Worcester because they have a mind of their own, with no traffic in sight wanting to come across the lights, the Worcester/ Droitwich traffic sits waiting for what seems an eternity.

I think Droitwich doesn't want anybody in or out of the town without causing as much agro to the motorist as possible.

Driver of Droitwich