CHARITABLE folk are being urged to put on their thinking caps and join in a special quiz evening in Worcester in aid of the city's St Richard's Hospice.

The event takes place at 8.30pm on Tuesday, May 17, at The Timberdine Harvester in Bath Road and Classic Hits DJ Martin Hollings will be quiz master for the night.

St Richard's Hospice's fund-raiser Alison Weston said they hoped to have plenty of teams entering to help raise cash to support the caring work of the Rose Hill-based hospice.

Campaigners are working to raise the remaining £1.05m needed to build the new, state-of-the-art hospice near County Hall, Worcester.

The Building Beds Together campaign has now raised more than £4m of the £5.25m needed to build the new hospice, which will offer all the current services and 15 hospice beds.

Tickets for the quiz are £10 for a group of four, available from Wendy Caversham on 07837 784807.