I WAS much taken with A W Turley's letter (Thursday, February 17) on allowing "popular" parties one year in government.

With that in mind I should like to offer an alternative. We are stuck with a corrupt electoral system that is designed to give governmental power to either Labour or the Conservatives.

Why don't we demonstrate our disgust, at the way our country has been run, by refusing to vote?

Instead of swallowing the half-truths, innuendoes, and outright lies that now seem to be part and parcel of our spin doctored elections, why don't we tell the politicians that we are not voting for anyone, until our first-past-the-post system of corrupt elections is scrapped?

Why don't we ask our politicians how can we have fair elections, when Labour took governmental power, despite the fact that most of the electorate voted against them?

Why don't we ask politicians why they are taking their seats, when most of us don't vote for them?

We should refuse to vote for the "same" gang of political party hacks?

Aren't they the same ones who have given us Iraq, the European socialist dictatorship, collapsing education, and "top up fees," the collapse in police services, rising crime, vandalism and anti-social behaviour, a justice system that is a sick joke, shrinking pensions and crumbling pension funds, and an increasingly struggling health service?

