JOHN Bews ("Quitting EU is only answer", Letters, Friday, February 18) asks why UK citizens "never understand that the unelected Commissioners can overrule our own elected MEPs in the European Parliament".

The reason is that they can't. Power is shared between the elected Member State Governments and elected MEPs. Commissioners have no votes, and cannot therefore overrule either.

Other letters on immigration in the same edition were similarly inaccurate.

Immigration is a growing issue not because other EU citizens legally choose to settle in the UK. It is because of the high number of illegal immigrants from outside Europe who choose this country because it is currently such a soft touch, coupled with phoney asylum seekers who know they will never be deported once they arrive.

It is very easy to blame Brussels for everything that is wrong with the world.

Put the blame where it belongs, and hold our own Government to account. The problem, and the solution, is in our own hands.


MEP European Parliament, Brussels.