TOUGH new measures to fine parents whose children repeatedly truant from school have been welcomed by Redditch county councillors.

Cross-party support was given at the county's full council meeting on Thursday for the plans to slap parents with £50 on-the-spot fines.

The radical measures, revealed by the Advertiser on February 9, are being adopted by the county council under the Government's Anti-Social Behaviour Act 2003.

But Liberal Democrat Councillor Diane Thomas warned there was no quick solution to truancy.

"This can only be part of a wider range of measures," she said.

"I hope this scheme will be monitored for its effectiveness and I hope it will be reviewed in six months' time - and that this will be rigorous."

Conservative Councillor Tom Wareing said he fully supported the measures but added behaviour should be tackled from an early age.

"A child is not born with a conscience. Teaching should start in the cradle with the parents," he said.

He claimed violent television was responsible for bad behaviour in youngsters and it was up to the parents to monitor what children watched.

"I am 100 per cent in support of Anti-Social Behaviour Orders but what we have to do as a society is to tackle the cause rather than only tackle the effects," he added.