THE race to win Worcestershire Village of the Year 2005 has begun - and this year there's an extra incentive to win.

Villagers who win the new category "Building Community Life" will share £500 from Defra (Department for the Environment, Food and Rural Affairs).

The competition is not based on the attractiveness of a village - flower displays and chocolate-box cottages are not among the judges' criteria.

Instead, they will be looking at the sorts of amenities available for older people, the village's environmental awareness, facilities for youngsters, business, and Information Communication Technology.


The regional winner has the opportunity to enter the National Village of the Year Competition, where there will be a £37,000 prize kitty for distribution among winners.

Calor, the gas provider, sponsors both the regional and national competitions on behalf of Community First, which supports local communities.

Spokeswoman Nina Owen said she hopes the competition will get village residents to work together, and encourage villages to offer something for everyone.

"We are really excited about this year's competition. It is hoped that the additional prize money will galvanise Worcestershire's villages into action," she said.

To enter, village representatives must fill out and send back a community profile, and if shortlisted, judges will come to the village to see it for themselves.

The 2004 Worcestershire winner was Offenham, near Evesham.

Judges said the village had an inclusive community and had a good grasp of its strengths and weakness.

They were also impressed with the residents' welcome of migrant workers.

"It was quite an achievement for us," said parish councillor John Andrews.

"I think the awareness that we were made Worcestershire's best village is there, but it hasn't changed much of what goes on. The publicity was nice though."

He has lived in the village for 23 years, and said he loved the place.

"I think in the end, we were the third best village in the country - two villages down on the south coast beat us."

He explained the village was constantly expanding and the parish council was doing all it could to cement a community spirit.

"We gave the school some money for new musical instruments as the old ones were worn out. We do what we can to help out."

To enter, contact Nina Owen or Andrea Cooper on 01684 573334, or e-mail

The entry deadline is Friday, April 29. The winner will be announced at the end of June.