STUDENTS of Stourport High School will re-enact the arrest and deportation of a concentration camp victim to bring home to them the horror of the Holocaust.

The year nine students have been learning about the atrocities inflicted on the Jews by the Nazis as part of a project in RE lessons.

That has included designing and making memorials to commemorate the loss and suffering of the Jewish victims.

Tomorrow,a group of students will stage the recreation of a victim's experiences - in German and French - as part of the broader activities of the school's language college. It follows on from today's international Holocaust Memorial Day. The performance will be videotaped.

Mr Ceri Owens, head of humanities at the school, said: "This is a very difficult topic for students to understand, especially as the scale of suffering was so immense.

"By working on practical designs, students have developed a real empathy with the plight of those who suffered.

"I have been deeply impressed by the quality of work that the students have produced and I am already planning the best places to display it."

The school is also examining issues such as human rights - led by Army soldiers - as part of a personal, social and health education day tomorrow.

Other topics, including smoking and alcohol abuse, will also be highlighted.