WHY is it that when Redditch Council urges residents to be environmentally friendly and recycle as much as possible, when we do, there always seems to not enough room in the recycling containers placed around the town to be able to do this?

I find it increasingly frustrating that, take today for example, Sunday, January 23, I did my dutiful trip to Tesco and found not only containers brimming over without any room but an absolute tip of a place with bags of rubbish dumped.

It made it impossible for me to rid myself of my own recycling and therefore I had no option but to take it home with me.

I could have chanced taking it to Morrisons but have only discovered the same there in the past.

I am wondering how many times these containers are emptied because it is obviously not enough.

It just goes to show how conscious folk are about being environmentally friendly but I'm afraid to say that if this is what is going to be a regular occurrence of nowhere to dump what you take, then people will just go back to putting it into their bins.

I know most of Redditch has been supplied with recycling boxes but it still doesn't excuse this problem.

I live in an area that is not yet privileged to have the boxes and therefore have to make the journey to Tesco and this happens to be on whatever day I go shopping.

So I was most annoyed when I had to bring it back with my shopping. I hasten to add I am one of only a small minority who have the decency to take it home and not be so idle as to leave it there.

It amazes me Tesco and other places allow this to happen and are not pushing for a more regular collections.

So I feel it's not only residents who need to be more eco-friendly but also the companies which supply the containers.


Via e-mail