COMMUNITY leaders are urging shopkeepers in Ombersley Street East to improve the safety of a sloped walkway.

Droitwich Spa town councillors agreed something must be done to improve the slippery surface outside the stretch of shops, which includes Droitwich Pharmacy.

They discussed the matter at a recent planning committee meeting.

Councillor John Cook said two residents had contacted him in a matter of weeks, after having fallen on the slope.

"By the shops it is okay but by the bus shelter it is very dangerous," said Cllr Cook (Lab-West).

He said one of the women who had contacted him was still off work with her injuries.

Cllr Peter Pinfield (Lab-East) said: "It is the responsibility of the shop owners."

Cllr Cook added: "I think it is in the owners' interest to do something about it if they want customers to use their shops."

He said he had spoken to the manager of the Spa Newsagents, who said it was the responsibility of the landowner and didn't know who that was.

Cllr Richard Morris, planning committee chairman (Con-South East) suggested sending out a letter to the landowners recommending something be done.

Cllr Graham Gopsill (Lib Dem-Central) added: "We can find out who the landowner is fairly easily and take it from there. I think we need to look into it a little bit more."