THE Advertiser/Messenger should print an apology to the Rev Roger Antell concerning the very misleading report in last week's edition.

He would never tell anyone that they were not welcome in his church.

He is not allowed, by law, to marry, baptise or bury those who live outside the church parish boundary. If they are on the electoral roll of this parish or are regular members of the congregation of our three churches I believe he can do so with the permission of the vicar of their own parish.

The parish council should also apologise publicly for their own careless mistake and comments, particularly the cheap jibe about the annual grant made to St Michael's Church. Unless, of course, they were mis-quoted or quoted out of context as was our churchwarden. But why let the truth spoil a good story?

I hope that the many who, despite having little or no connection with their parish church, have received gentle, loving care and help from all our ministers in his defence. He should be widely known for the wise understanding Christian leader that his own congregation have come to know and value.

I have no doubt the original report was 'tweaked' to make it a more sensational story. Once again the Advertiser/Messenger has lived up to its reputation as the least reliable newspaper in town - though of course you won't print that bit!

Mrs L Scoffield

Walls Road

Stoke Prior

l Thank you to all who have responded on this story. We are always happy to print our readers' views, but to pick up on just a few points. The report was not 'tweaked', we simply reported on the meeting, as it took place, and the reporter who attended has full notes of what was said. I would also take issue with the accusation that this newspaper has 'lived up to its reputation as the least reliable newspaper in town'. This is a totally false claim and one which has deeply offended all who work for it, and we would like to know on what basis this comment is made. I can assure every reader that all the staff are very mindful and conscientious of the important role we play in the community. All the reporting staff are trained professionals who follow both this company's and the Society of Editors' Code of Practice to print truthful and balanced stories. As for another point in one of the letters...a headline never represents the whole picture, that is always the role of the story itself. Correspondence on this subject is now closed. EDITOR