DEMAND for more information and careers advice for young people has prompted a new town agency to throw open its doors for one day.

Connexions - a not-for-profit company funded by the Department for Education and Skills which has replaced the old careers service - is holding an open morning at its Kingfisher Centre base on Saturday, February 5.

Redditch Connexions personal adviser Chris Heath said: "We provide advice, guidance and information services for young people aged 13-19 on employment, education, training, personal development, leisure and volunteering opportunities.

"Though our service is mainly delivered in high schools through personal advisers, they also work with those young people not in education, employment or training with a view to helping the clients into a positive position.

"As such, we have a unique part to play in helping young people, parents and employers in a fast-moving, ever-changing employment and training market.

"Our specialist advisers contact local employers about vacancies suitable for young people."

Next month's open morning will be aimed at Year 11 pupils and runs from 10am-1pm.

Parents, guardians and carers can book a 30-minute interview with careers advisers to discuss their children's options after Year 11.

Or people can call in without an appointment to pick up information and use the Connexions careers library and resources.

Anyone wanting to pre-book an interview can call 66525.

Connexions is based at Canon Newton House, Evesham Walk, Kingfisher Centre, Redditch.