I AGREE with Conservative County Councillor Mary Drinkwater (Evening News, Saturday, January 15) that the cuts to basic local services proposed by the Conservative-controlled city council will be "impossible to reverse."

Tory county councillors seem to be much more sensible than the city council Tories. The county councillors from all the major political parties seem to have agreed that services must be maintained, even if that means modest rises in council tax.

Vital services in education and social services will be protected. No wonder the county council has recently been rated "excellent."

Tory city councillors take the opposite position. In order to avoid increasing council tax above inflation, they are planning irreversible cuts in services, which are valued by local people.

They intend to replace our public toilets with monstrosities, the doors of which will automatically open to public view after a short interval, even when still occupied.

They also want to slash services in disadvantaged areas of our city that help to prevent anti-social behaviour.

The city council does not deserve to be rated better than "fair" while it fails to meet the needs of large sections of its electorate.

I would be happy to pay a little more tax to protect our local services and feel sure that many other Worcester people agree with me.

