PROVIDING bed and breakfast for garden birds is the latest idea from Severn Trent Water for helping them survive the winter.

"The back garden is one of Britain's biggest nature reserves, often overlooked in terms of improving the environment and helping wildlife," said Severn Trent's environmental adviser, Colin Green.

As temperatures plummet, birds use up their fat resources to help them keep warm, so a hearty breakfast will help ensure their survival.

They also need a warm, cosy bed for the night.

"We're asking people to spare a thought for our garden birds. We're all tucked up at home with our central heating and cupboards full of food, but there are no such luxuries for our feathered friends," he said.

"Birds still need to drink and bathe in winter, so a supply of clean, fresh water is also important."

A fact sheet on bed and breakfast for birds, with information on building a bird box, is availableon Severn Trent's website

To receive a copy by post, call 0121 722 4121.