PEOPLE who have celebrated their birthday this month and don't know what to do with their cards are being asked to donate them to a green charity.

The Woodland Trust is also on the lookout for any leftover Christmas cards which people still have lying around in homes in Worcestershire and Herefordshire.

The woodland conservation charity is appealing for people to take them to special recycling bins in all WH Smith high street stores and all Tesco supermarkets across England.

The appeal is part of the charity's Christmas card recycling scheme, which runs until the end of this month.

Over the last seven years, the scheme has recycled 237.5 million cards, equating to more than 4,680 tonnes of paper.

Funds from this year helping to support the trust's new Tree For All campaign - the largest tree-planting initiative the UK has ever seen.

For more information on the scheme, visit