THE NEW Acorns hospice, set to open in Worcester to help life-limited children, is desperately trying to recruit more than 100 volunteers to help run it.

Acorns Children's Hospice, in Bath Road, St Peter's, will start caring for seriously ill children and their families in March and needs volunteers to help with a range of activities - from gardening to housekeeping, to simply being a friend to the guests.

The new £4m hospice will provide respite, emergency and terminal care for 250 life-limited children from Worcestershire, Herefordshire and Gloucestershire, as well as bereavement support for parents and siblings.

Acorns' Volunteers Co-ordinator Katreena Barnes, of Kempsey, near Worcester, explained: "There are all kinds of opportunities on offer, and even if you are not directly involved with the children, your contribution will make a huge difference to the care and services we are able to provide.

"Volunteering is a great way of meeting new people and making new friends.

"From a couple of hours to one full day a week, whatever time people can give, we will try and find a role that fits in with their commitments.

"All we ask is that volunteers commit to a minimum of one year.

"Volunteers at Acorns are made to feel very welcome and work alongside paid staff as part of a team.

"They play a very important role in bringing happiness into the lives of very special children and supporting families.

"Quite simply, without the help of volunteers, we would not be able to run the hospice."

Mrs Barnes said she is initially looking for people who can assist with cooking meals, help on reception, general housework, garden maintenance, laundry or ironing.


"When the hospice is open we will probably need around 100 volunteers in all, and there will be further opportunities such as working as a pool aid or spotter in the hydrotherapy pool, befriending children and teenagers, and working with siblings," she said.

Volunteers receive a thorough induction, training and ongoing support and are all police checked, needing to provide references.

To find out more, contact Mrs Barnes on 01905 767676.