WYRE Forest MP Dr Richard Taylor has been promoting exercise as a way of reducing the risk of cancer at the launch of a new landmark campaign.

The five-year initiative, entitled Reduce the Risk, has been launched by Cancer Research UK to help people learn how lifestyle changes can dramatically alter the odds of being diagnosed with the disease.

Reduce the Risk launched with the news that more than half of all cancers could be prevented in this way.

The charity held a special launch for politicians and policy makers to explain the initiative and to call for co-ordinated action on all areas of the campaign.

During the event, Mr Taylor volunteered to use an exercise bike to emphasise the importance of activity.

"I wholeheartedly support the work that Cancer Research UK is doing to raise awareness of the importance of lifestyle change in cancer prevention," he said.

"Maintaining a healthy weight is an important way to reduce the cancer risk.

"And staying in shape doesn't need to be expensive or time-consuming. Just 30 minutes five days a week of moderate exercise such as brisk walking, cycling, gardening or swimming will keep you healthy."

The campaign focuses on five main areas: stopping smoking, staying fit, eating and drinking healthily, keeping out of the sun and taking advantage of cancer screening.