THE owner of a Jack Russell terrier, missing since January 10, is offering a cash reward for her safe return - alive.

Distressed at the loss of his 'soul companion' Penny, Bob Moseley from Bine Farm, Eastham, believes his treasured pet has been stolen and he wants her back.

"At the time she went missing a yellow pick-up was seen around the village and two men calling out for scrap stopped outside the farm. They approached me for any rubbish and that's when Penny suddenly disappeared," says Mr Moseley.

"She is a very friendly dog and usually stays close to the farm, it would most unusual for her to simply stray off. I have looked everywhere for her, all the vets have been informed and I have reported her disappearance to the police."

A popular figure in and around Eastham, 90-year-old Bob says his treasured pet Penny is three-and-a-half years old and is predominately white with brown ears and paws.

Speaking from his home near Tenbury, Mr Moseley made this impassioned plea: "She is my constant companion and soul mate and I am missing her badly. If anyone knows where she is I am offering £100 in cash for her safe return."

The dog has been missing now for about 10 days and his hopes of finding her are fading fast. If anyone has any information about her whereabout can they contact Mr. Moseley on 01584 781 297.