LEIGH and Bransford WI has celebrated 70 years of fun and friendship.

Founded in December 1934, the group had 30 members from the villages of Leigh, Bransford and Leigh Sinton who met once a month in what is now Leigh and Bransford Memorial Hall.

The first president was Mrs O Owen, with secretary Maurice Jones. Founder members included Mrs J Wenden Lambert, Mrs G Portman, Mrs C Bowers, Mrs E Drew and Mrs D Handy.

Membership peaked during the Second World War when 100 women were involved with the group, but in 1957 it was nearly disbanded when membership hit a low. However, a dedicated core helped revive interest and the group continued.

The WI took part in activities that have remained unchanged over the years - flower-arranging, baking, sewing and raising money for good causes. At one stage, it even had its own drama group, but this folded after a few years.

Mary Fynn has been a member for more than 40 years, after joining as a way of getting to know other local women.

She said: "I felt it was important to the village because in those days sometimes it was the only evening when the women got together in the whole month.

"I still feel it's important, although things have changed a lot now."

Mrs Fynn said she remembered when September meetings were postponed because everyone was out hop-picking.

"It struck me the other day when I smelled hops," she said.

Mrs Fynn said although the WI had modernised over the years and now hosted fashion shows and race nights, the principle had remained the same.

"It's about meeting people and the thing at the moment is fun and friendship."

The group has 43 members who met on a Tuesday to enjoy an anniversary cake and a display of old photographs and newspaper cuttings about the group. Bob Harris gave a demonstration of flower arranging and microwave cookery.

President Jean Colley said the group played an important part in village life.

"It's a social occasion and it gives the older members an opportunity to come out and mix," she said. "This anniversary is a big occasion for us."