I APPLAUD the forceful and well reasoned letters you have published recently against fox hunting and agree entirely with their sentiments.

The RSPCA says that hunting with dogs is cruel, so it is difficult to understand how the hunters can continue to pursue their activities. The motive must be something else, as it is clearly not to control the number of foxes because other methods exist. I am inclined to believe the motive is more to do with 'we can so we will'.

Hunting is a costly business and to pretend that membership is open to all is nonsense. To see cavalcades of horsemen and huge packs of dogs and to hear horns blowing and weird calls makes me think of spin. Why do they behave in such an over the top manner? Is it, I wonder, to meet socially and very obviously, to cement their political views and reinforce their shared values.

Your editorial of the previous week (September 24) in the last paragraph states that parliament's legitimate decision to ban fox hunting is 'democratic tyranny' when it is clear that it is the hunt and supporters who are being tyrannical.

E DAKIN, Cedar Avenue, Malvern.