I WAS appalled by the crass bad taste of the Ledbury Hunt spokesman in comparing the antics of the hunting supporters in their recent televised invasion of the Commons with the brave self-sacrifice of Second World War soldiers at Normandy.

Unlike the soldiers risking their very lives for others, the pro-hunt supporters risked little more than they do from the foxes they regularly pursue on large horses with the support of packs of dogs. What a shameful comparison to draw!

I wonder if any Second World War veterans, watching the stunt in the Commons, mused on the fact that 60 years ago they were fighting for the right to live in a democratic country where decisions were taken by elected representatives after rational discussion, and not by loutish self-interested pressure groups.

I did not hold any particularly strong views about hunting prior to this incident. I now see the sort of person who participates in this activity and trust that the will of parliament and the vast majority of the British people is going to finally prevail. Incidentally, for those who enjoy the traditional sight of the red coats, horses and hounds in full cry galloping across the fields, could not the hunting fraternity pursue aniseed drags and thus preserve the acceptable face of their peculiar culture?

DR C IDE, Cromwell Road, Malvern.