WITH 175 entries from 18 members, nearly a record, Redmarley WI autumn show was a great success and a new class, the grown-on geranium plug plant, brought some interesting and amusing results, with the difference in sizes, number of blooms etc, which was quite amazing and caused a lot of comment.

Sara Poyser was the overall winner and was presented with the cup and prizes of bulbs were presented to Mary Arnall (vegetable and flowers), Beryl Cullimore (crafts), Mary Humphreys (preserves), Sara Poyser (flowers) and Margaret Whittin (cookery).

Before refreshment, members tried a musical story quiz and the winners were Jenny Berrington, Jill Bond, Liz Chicks and Sheelagh Parsons.

The show secretary thanked all members, without whose help and co-operation it would not be possible to stage the autumn show. The next meeting is on Thursday, October 14 and will be a 1944 evening with an exhibition of wartime memories in the village hall.

Redmarley seniors citizens autumn lunch will be held on Friday, October 22 in the village hall, 12.45pm for 1pm.

The AGM of Redmarley Village Hall is on Monday, November 1 at 7.30pm in the village hall, everyone welcome.